Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Harper hangover

my record label pointed a magic wand in my face & said 'write a smash hit single!'. kind of kills the creative process, so i downed a bottle of wine last night in hopes of stirring up some kind of creative juice. Instead of being brilliant, I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies, had one bite & passed out fully clothed on my bed. I woke up with a headache & a conservative government. Now that's what I call a bad hangover. so, it's a new day for us, oh canada. i'm curious to see how this will all turn out. my dad is most definitely jumping for joy. he's practically Steven Harper's bitch. ok, sorry dad, that's a bit harsh, but we have a tendency to go at it when discussing politics. I do believe he's a lefty at heart, but has a business mind that tends to see things very black & white & big picture. I on the other hand, the hippy dippy artsy fartsy one has a soft spot for the underdog & is more focused on all those many shades of grey. Together, me & my pops are quite a pair, always out to prove each other wrong. I can see how ones political beliefs can become like a straight jacket, impossible to get out of & turning a sane person mad. My dad & I are proof though, that no matter how our funny little brains function, there's no reason why our differences should divide us. So, I'm going to suck it up. Take a big, deep, nervous breath & except our immediate fate. Harper it is. [shudder].


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